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We are the Science Fiction

Fantasy Federation


Organized by Denise Descouzis, SF3 began in 1975 as the Star Trek Club. It soon became apparent that they needed to expand their horizons to include all forms of Science Fiction and Fantasy so they changed the name and the constitution. The group was officially recognized by UNCG's Student Government during the Fall semester of 1976.

On March 20, 1976 , SF3 held the first Stellarcon as a one-day mini convention whose main guest was Jack Townsend, then the president of the Walter Koenig Fan Club. Since then Stellarcon has grown to a 3-day event whose guests have included Walter Koenig, author Larry Niven, and as well as many others! The conventions were held in Elliott Center , on the campus of UNCG, until Stellarcon 16 in 1992 when Jeff Smith , the convention manager that year, took it off campus for the first time to a local hotel. Stellarcon is now one of the largest and longest running SF cons in North Carolina .

SF3 has organized other conventions through the years including CubicCon, HexaCon, AnotherCon and LepraCon.

SF3 is designed as an outlet for those interested Fantasy, Science Fiction, Comic Books, and Cinema...basically anything that in some way, shape, or form relates to the genre. The Student Government of UNCG sponsors the club, but meetings are open to anyone! As well as sponsoring films, speakers and trips, the club also organizes its own literary magazine (fanzine), Beyond the Third Planet. Meetings for SF3 are on Sunday and Monday nights from 7pm-10pm in the Faculty Center.

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